Thursday, April 16, 2009

Matthew 15

This chapter was a pretty easy read.  I'm a bit tired and haven't delved to deeply in the word.

Jesus just got back from walking on water.  He had a back and forth with some pharisees.  Healed a woman w/ great FAITH.

Key passages for me are V13, "any plant which my Heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted" and the following verse concerning the blind leading the blind.

I'm gonna skip out on a thorough daily bread tonight.  I'm just going to listen to it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tonight's Devo

My posting consistency sucks.  Fortunately my devo hasn't been as bad.  Still going through some struggles but optimistic nonetheless.

Just finished reading ch 14 then went backwards to ch 13 and read til v. 43.  Doing this b/c I seem to have lost my spot.  Ch 13 is pretty thick with parables.  Mostly emphasising how Jesus is most definitely the way and a foundation on him is immovable. A bit tired and only giving tonights reading from Matthew a superficial analysis.  Crawl, walk, run.

Now for ODB.  Reading is Gen 8:1-17
- God is Good all the time; He is risen indeed.
-this was a pretty good devo/reading
-it reminded me that He never stops caring and always looks after us
(could've gone a little deeper tho)